Yoga Nesadurai

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Food for thought

This is a short, food for thought post. With so much information available for consumption these days, I thought I would keep this short and sweet. And they say a picture is worth a thousand words. This was my last LinkedIn post.

The graph is courtesy of James Clear from his book Atomic Habits. James uses it to show how reality often differs from expectations when creating new habits.

I think it applies to doing anything new. The difference between expectation and reality, the valley of disappointment, is how we grow and evolve. I know, I have been there. It’s not wasted effort but a valuable store of knowledge and experience for the next endeavour.

This graph closely relates to Adam Grant’s, psychologist, and author, quote ‘If at first you don’t succeed, you're in luck. Effortless excellence is a lousy teacher and a fickle friend. The achievements we savour most start with a struggle and end with hard-earned mastery. Success is sweeter—and more repeatable—when it's the product of deliberate practice.’

I shall leave you with these two provoking thoughts. So very timeless in its relevance!

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