My philosophy and approach
The world, people and the human brain intrigue me!
I grew up speaking 3 languages, living amongst 3 cultures, in Malaysia, knowing that we are different yet same!
The great outdoors is where I get my inspiration. The jungle (cycling, hiking), the seas (diving), the mountains (hiking, skiing) are all my sources of energy and self-exploration.
They help me challenge myself in pushing my limits both mentally and physically.
I have lived and worked in some of the most amazing places in the world from Kura in Nigeria to Innisfail in Far North Queensland, Australia, from Lisbon, Portugal to Istanbul, Turkey. The places were great but the richness in cultural interactions and diversity is what has made me who I am today.
And in case you were wondering, I have been doing Yoga since the age of 6 (taught by my father), long before it became a new age fad. ;)
Why I created Future-Proofing You
I created Future-Proofing You to inspire you to choose YOUR future because:
you are capable of so much more than you realise
you are limited only by your thinking
you can navigate your barriers when you have clarity
That does not mean it will be easy! Making choices has been a constant all through my life and I have no regrets. Some of the choices were not easy but I also believe the buck stops with me. And it took courage and rebelling at times.
You and your team can do that too. And I want to help! It is easier when you have support and guidance to navigate your journey. Greater ‘claridence’ (clarity + confidence) is a typical reward of this journey. There are more!
So, start your future-proofing journey now.
As the saying goes, none of us is as smart as both (all) of us; we are all work in progress.
My Professional Experience and Qualifications
I am a Third Culture Kid and a Global Cosmopolitan (coined by Insead’s Linda Brimm). I grew up in Asia and Africa. That’s me on the left. Cycling the Munda Biddi trail, in Western Australia. 1075 km!
My collective lived experience has changed the way I look at the world and how I interact with it.
Besides my formal qualifications I pursued several professional courses:
The Arbinger Institute, Choice in Coaching
Certified practitioner of Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The NeuroLeadership Institute, Brain based Coaching
The School of Emotions, Emotions Centred Coaching
Certified Professional Mentor, Asia Institute of Mentoring
The boring bit - I have a BSc in Systems Engineering, Warwick University, 1988 and an MBA, Cranfield University, 1997.
The exciting bit - I have worked internationally for over 25 years mainly in Australia, Europe and Asia in Process Improvement and Change Management.
Now I focus on Leadership development and Change as a Facilitator, Coach and Mentor.
I help Leaders and their teams future-proof themselves by befriending uncertainty and strengthening adaptability using Neuroscience and Emotional LITERACY.
I mentor leaders to get out of their own way.
I share my passions with my husband and we currently live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.