Yoga Nesadurai

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7 elements of a well-balanced ‘mental diet’

I attended an informative webinar this week by the NeuroLeadership Institute on the Healthy Mind Platter. Just as the body needs a well-balanced nutritional diet, our brains need a well-balanced ‘mental diet’. I summarise the 7 elements below.

Here are some facts that were shared:

· Adding just 20 minutes to your sleep cycle doubles performance

· Physical time enhances memory formation

· Social intelligence is a predictor of successful performance as a leader

· Disconnecting, doing nothing, and having no plans help us increase our creativity

The Healthy Mind Platter consists of the following 7 elements:

·        1. Sleep time - the most important element of the platter! - ideally 6 - 8 hours per night

o   Sleep is a highly active time for the brain

o   Sleep helps the brain integrate learning, process emotions and adapt

o   Power naps of 10-20 mins are beneficial (not more than 20 mins!!)

o   Sleep hygiene is critical – switch off digital devices, conducive room ambiance and temperature (better if cooler)

·        2. Physical time

o   Exercise or movement – at least 20 minutes per day

o   Increases neuroplasticity

o   Reduces stress, anxiety, and depression

o   Enhances memory formation

o   Better working memory and focus

o   Shifts our state and thinking by circulating glucose and oxygen and burns off cortisol and adrenaline

·        3. Focus time

o   Focusing on one thing with high quality of attention

o   Knowing when your optimal cognitive peak is (am or pm) – schedule your critical work then

o   Multi-tasking makes the brain worse at focusing – do not multi-task

·        4. Connecting time – social time

o   Connecting is a basic human need!!

o   Helps people manage stress, confront challenges, and maintain a positive outlook

o   Social intelligence is a predictor of successful performance

o   Make time to catch up with friends, family, and/or pets – scheduled and spontaneous

·        5. Play time

o   Play time is a basic human instinct or drive

o   Anything that is novel, spontaneous, unpredictable, experimental, and fun!

o   Aids creativity, learning, and adapting!

o   Gardening, golfing, painting, etc

·       6. Down time – when was the last time you did this?

o   Make time to disconnect, do nothing, and have no plans!

o   Allow time for mind wandering and daydreaming

o   Helps us have insights

o   Engage with nature rather than media

·        7. Time indirect experience vs the unconscious narrative

o   Mindfulness, meditation, box breathing (inhale 4x, hold 4x, exhale 4x, hold 4x, repeat)

o   Paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally

o   Awareness of self, life, and the external world

o   Overall benefits – physiological, emotional, cognitive, and social!

 Hope you found this helpful. Now that you know more about the healthy mind platter, which elements do you need to focus on?

I need more play time!

Be well.

As always, you can reach me at